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Intertraffic Awards 2022: shortlist announced!

Winners will be revealed at the opening ceremony of Intertraffic Amsterdam in March
By Adam Hill February 4, 2022 Read time: 7 mins
Intertraffic Awards
The in-person Intertraffic Amsterdam returns in March

The shortlist for the Intertraffic Awards 2022 has been announced.

It is a longer list than usual - 15 nominees from an initial field of 80 entries - to reflect the fact that it covers four years of work, following the postponement of the previous Intertraffic.

The winners will be revealed during the opening ceremony of this year's in-person event, which runs from 29 March – 1 April 2022 at RAI Amsterdam.

There are three new award categories: Green Globe, Inspiration and User Experience.

Event organiser RAI says this is to reflect three key drivers for the industry: "Sustainability; real-world deployment of new solutions; and the enhancement of the experience of technology users themselves."

The nominees are:

Intertraffic Green Globe Award

SmogStop barrier by Gramm Barrier Systems – Canada – stand no. 09.307
SmogStop is an innovative new roadside noise barrier that not only absorbs noise but also, in a world first, uses sunlight to break down dangerous emissions, therefore reducing air pollution, creating cleaner air. These reductions are made possible by the aerodynamic design which generates vortices to enhance mixing of emissions with cleaner air, while a photocatalytic coating uses sunlight to help break down NOx and VOCs into harmless by-products. Independent field test in Canada confirmed daily/hourly reductions of harmful pollutants of up to 92%/95% respectively.

Swarco X-Line by Swarco – Austria – stand no. 02.222
Swarco X-Line is an intelligent platform for energy-efficient intersections. It controls traffic light systems based on the concept of distributed, decentralized intelligence. With Swarco X-Line the energy consumption of an entire intersection is now comparable to the consumption of a single lamp in the past. Just 1 watt is now required per signal. System wide energy optimization is achieved by reducing the number required components with a safe plug-in solution, that is much easier to install and configure than conventional approaches, with only less underground construction work required and only 10% of copper required compared to traditional setups.

iMAPAV by Sernis – Portugal – stand no. 01.207

iMAPAV (Intelligent Management Parking of Autonomous Vehicles) is an on-street smart parking system that will be implemented in autonomous vehicles (AVs), allowing an AV to not only park itself, but find, reserve and pay for a parking spot in the city centre. iMAPAV will help AV to find a parking spot by means of car integrated application. Each parking spot has a light signal that changes colour when reserved, and sensor that sends information to the Gateway system through a wireless network.

Traffipole by Jenoptik – Germany – stand no. 01.416
TraffiPole is a new sustainable design housing for road safety technology, made of recyclable aluminium. It’s highly functional, double-wall design enables efficient air circulation, eliminating the need for air conditioning even in very hot climates. This significantly reduces power consumption and thus CO2 emissions. Exterior solar panels can contribute to further energy savings.

Autonomous Bus Lane Enforcement (ABLE) by Hayden AI – USA – stand no. 05.416
The system features a specially developed, high-quality mobile camera that is mounted on the inside of bus windshields to observe the road geometry. The solution captures and processes video on the bus of illegally parked cars, sending a data package to the local traffic enforcement department, allowing public agencies to enforce traffic rules cost effectively.

Intertraffic Inspiration Award

Access Shield by Asura – Hungary – stand no. 11.116
Access Shield is a video analytics-based solution which guarantees high-security vehicle access control through multiple levels of authentication, including face recognition. Vehicle recognition is performed real-time, using camera footage. The facial recognition component is capable of matching photos made using mobile phone cameras with pictures in the reference database. In case of a match, the application returns the data associated with the recognized person and gives green light. The system grants access only following a successful joint identification by both modules. Multi-level identification guarantees the highest available security level.

SCReWS by Aisico – Italy – stand no. 08.226
SCReWS (Save Crash Reinforcing Weak Soil) is a device able to provide support to the posts of safety barriers driven into weak embankments. This system has been designed to be installed where the soil can’t provide enough strength to the post to guarantee that its behaviour is comparable to that observed during testing. This product is able to save lives as it can guarantee that safety barriers perform correctly. It is the first to market that has been fully tested.

Acusensus Heads Up by Acusensus – Australia – stand no. 05.317
The world-first Acusensus Heads-Up enforcement solution has been designed to give authorities a tool to drive behavioural change on the road network by enabling them to more easily prosecute illegal mobile phone use at the wheel. The solution captures high-resolution, prosecutable evidence of people using their mobile phone whilst driving. It operates 24/7 in all weather conditions. The system automatically detects the phone use and autonomously captures photographic evidence and can be provided in the form of fixed enforcement cameras, trailer or vehicle mounted cameras.

Monapass by Flowbird Group – France – stand no. 02.130
Monapass is all-in-app mobility available in Monaco since May 2021. It’s free and allows users to buy the mobility services such as ticketing for buses, for bike sharing and on-street parking using a single platform. Payment cards, subscriptions and payment methods are combined in a single application. Real time mobility service information makes easier, safer, faster the journey of residents and visitors.

LTR788 Dual Wheel Load Scales by Intercomp – USA – stand no. 01.211
The LTR788 is a low-profile electronic wheel-load scale capable of weighing individual tyres in a dual tyre configuration. This enables direct measurement of individual tyre loading, which is a safety/inspection item around the world. Tyre loading indicates tyre condition, which impacts fuel economy, braking distance, and tire failure leading to accidents or debris on mainline roadways.

Intertraffic User Experience Award

UTC powered by SCOOT 7 by TRL Software – United Kingdom – stand no. 05.441
Throwing out previous UTC thinking this new and innovative SaaS platform enables users to unlock data and orchestrate their network. Easy to read dashboards and graphical displays can be accessed anywhere and on any device that can run a web browser. Secure and reliable, the map-based user interface can be customised to fit with any existing mapping software. Also provides open access to live SCOOT data via APIs to enable third parties to develop apps or provide research, having a genuine impact on the community. Built on proven SCOOT technology, with open architecture – no lock-in to any specific hardware vendor.

Flow by RCE Systems – Czech Republic – stand no. 05.401
Flow is a traffic analytic toolkit that automatically extracts rich data from video, based on AI and trajectory-based approach. It is easy to configure and operate, it runs in real time and it can talk to other devices and systems. With Flow, you can turn any video stream into a single smart sensor or entire camera networks into collaborative traffic intelligence. People counting, traffic analyses, control of intersections, perimeter protection, crowd management… you name the application.

Toogethr Parking by Toogethr – Netherlands - stand no. 07.304
Toogethr makes mobility simple by cleverly responding to the overall parking and travel demand within large organizations and across public areas. Smart mobility and multimodal ridesharing is enabled with insight into available bike shares, parking spaces and the location of buses and shuttles. Toogethr helps make more efficient use of current parking capacity and reduces congestion and CO2 emissions to help reach Global Sustainable Development Goals.

Trafficprinter by Trysil Road Marking Machines – Norway – stand no. 03.226
An innovative new, truck-mounted, road-marking printer for thermoplastic paint, the Trafficprinter substitutes hand application of road symbols and can rapidly print any symbol in live traffic. Application is conveniently automated using a symbol library. Safety is enhanced with a truck-mounted attenuator (TMA). Compared to traditional methods of road marking the Trafficprinter reduces the need for traffic management, improves safety and is cost efficient. It is the only technology that completes a typical road symbol (9 x 2.5m) in less than two minutes, helping to deliver a ROI in less than three years.

ARGO by Movyon – Italy – stand no. 01.308
ARGO is an extended platform for managing and monitoring infrastructure life cycle, delivering complete digital engineering in a single solution. This comprises digitization of infrastructure assets, a mobile app and lidar-produced digital twin to support on-site and remote inspections. Artificial intelligence is built in for image recognition and defect-analysis, as well as for integration of data collected by IoT sensors for structural monitoring. The platform allows multiple and mixable sensor acquisition to enforce structural safety both in ordinary and exceptional conditions, to optimize the maintenance processes and evaluation of the effectiveness of works and to have a real-time snapshot of the state of the structures.

More information on all nominees can be found here

The Intertraffic Amsterdam Award 2022 jury:
Pieter Litjens - Director CROW (Chairman of the jury)
Margriet van Schijndel - de Nooij - Program Director Responsible Mobility at TU Eindhoven
Jorrit Weerman - CEO Parking Network
Tom Stone - Editor of TTi and iVT 
Adam Hill - Editor of ITS International

For more information on companies in this article

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