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Moovit helps guide visually-impaired transit riders

Moovit has partnered with remote assistance app Aira and Microsoft Azure Maps to help make public transit more accessible for blind and low-vision riders.
January 14, 2020 Read time: 1 min
Moovit helps guide visually-impaired transit riders

Moovit says Aira’s mobile app or smart glasses allow Aira agents to see a user’s environment through their smartphone camera. This partnership is expected to assist agents in helping users navigate public transit more effectively, with better real-time data.

Azure Maps will provide agents with access to navigational tools while Moovit’s transit application programming interfaces will offer information on multimodal trip planning and transit routes, the company adds.

Yovav Meydad, Moovit’s chief growth and marketing officer, says the solution will “open opportunities for riders to travel more freely and independently, significantly impacting their life”.
