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WebSafety launches distracted driving app

WebSafety has launched an app which locks mobile devices in a bid to clamp down on distracted driving. 
By Ben Spencer April 7, 2020 Read time: 1 min
© Piyapong Thongcharoen |
Eyes on the road! WebSafety's app locks drivers' phones (© Piyapong Thongcharoen |

The firm says DriveSafety's driving detection algorithm uses an accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS data to help determine whether the individual is in a moving vehicle. 

The device remains locked even once the vehicle has stopped at an intersection, the company adds. 

The app can determine when a driver is travelling at excessive speeds or exceeding the speed limit on a street. 

Rowland Day, CEO and founder of WebSafety, says: “We are grateful to have the patented solution to stop the deaths, injuries, and property damage that are taking place on the roads and highways every day."

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